Saturday 19 July 2008

Half Marathon

Tomorrow I am supposed to be running a Half Marathon. I say supposed because although I have my number, my safety pins, my lycra and my trainers..... I don't really have the will power or the body.

I really believed that running the Marathon would miraculously transform me into a confident runner, confident person ... but, alas, I am still filled with insecurities. I know that speed doesn't matter, weight doesn't matter... all that matters is having the guts to get out there. But right now my image of myself is an image of fat, old, ugly, useless. My running is not easy at the moment and I seem to be on a mission to self destruct with my eating.

My thought is to follow my run 5 /walk 1 strategy and do the race tomorrow the best I can. There should be less self pity in my life and more of the thoughts of Edward Monkton :

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