Sunday 6 April 2008

One Week today...

I cannot quite believe that in one week's time I will have come to the end of all this. Whether I cross the Finish Line in triumphant tears or fail miserably, it will be over.

I went to the physio and she told me, thank goodness, that my hip troubles were down to tight muscles. Apparently they, the physios, are always inundated at this time of year by nervous marathon runners !!! So, she gave me a good massage, showed me some great stretches and we had a good old chat !!

The next day I went out for a run with my Man. We went off through the woods, just following our noses and it was marvelous !! Although I felt a little sore to start with it eased after the first couple of miles. We ended up doing 3.5 miles. We saw blackbirds, jays, woodpeckers, masses of frogs and the start of the bluebells. Lovely.

Next day I felt fine and rejoined my Hal Higdon schedule. Hal said run 8 miles - so I did!! And they were 8 good miles. By mile 5 I was feeling brilliant - the best for months -loose and warm and with some bounce in my legs. Said bounce has been sadly missing for some time now so it was great to have it back !! I was out for 1 hour 49 minutes and really enjoyed myself.

I started to plan my after marathon aims. I am determined to improve my speed and general fitness. I want to do the marathon again, but run all the way, not run/walk and I want to become a real runner, keep running into my old age !! Hark at me !!!

You know, I am, at the moment, excited but not nervous. Its almost like the days before my wedding. I knew then that it was absolutely right to marry my Man and now I know that it is absolutely right to run this marathon. Although with the whole marathon thing I do get the odd twinge of fear. Fear that maybe I won't be able to do it, that I will fail for one reason or another. I could not face people if I failed, could not face their pity. I just have to believe in myself. I have to believe that I have done everything I can to be ready for this and that I can and will succeed.

I feel so priveleged to have a place in this race. When people say to me " Why are you doing it ? "
I always think " Why not ? How could you not at least try to complete such a momentous event at least once in your life ?" You can take the safe route and guarantee that life will be easy and successful, but I would rather take a chance, push myself to my limits and beyond. Ahead of me lies the unknown. This time next Sunday...

1 comment:

tumblerum said...

Good luck for Sunday, all the hard work will be worth it when you sprint across the finish line